Llanwern Solar Farm

Solar farm consented through DNS process within SSSI and flood zone land

Successfully navigating new DNS process

Overcoming significant environmental constraints including SSSI

Presenting comprehensive case at oral Examinations

The application was a frontrunner through the Developments of National Significance (DNS) consenting regime and was the first renewable energy project to be granted consent via the process. The project was recommended for approval by the Planning Inspectorate and formally granted consent by Welsh Ministers in November 2018. Nick and Peter also acted for the purchasing fund to discharge planning conditions and support delivery on site.


The key challenges were adapting to a new consenting process and addressing the significant environmental constraints including SSSI, Historic Landscape, Flood Zone 3, Valued Landscape, adjacent SPA and SAC and an area of breeding Common Cranes.


Comprehensive EIA prepared along side a very strong technical case, robust planning and strategy to adapt to new untested DNS process, excellent advocacy at the Hearing and comprehensive community consultation.


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