Five Lanes Solar Farm
Archaeological Avoidance Strategy
The site was located in Wiltshire and due the site’s proximity to the Cotswold AONB the project required and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Following submission of the application, the Council requested more detailed investigations into the site’s archaeological interest through on-site trial trenching. This work revealed a large historic settlement and detailed negotiations with the Authority were therefore required to agree appropriate mitigation without impacting upon the viability of the scheme. Planning consent was granted by the Council in August 2023.
Despite strong due diligence from the outset of the project, subsequent investigative works revealed extensive archaeological features which then needed to be mitigated to the satisfaction of the County Archaeologist and Council’s Planning Officer.
Assembling a top-level consultancy team and drawing upon existing contacts within the Authority we forged a positive relationship with the key consultees and negotiated a hybrid solution to mitigating archaeological impacts. This involved the exclusion of a central area and a proposal for further monitoring during the construction stage. Robust reporting within the associated EIA allowed for a strong recommendation of approval and consent was granted at planning committee.
Although it is not possible to eliminate all risks at the outset of a project, the experience on this site highlighted the value of conducting additional due diligence on archaeology and showed the importance of assembling an expert sub-consultant team to resolve technical issues.